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Petmerize is an e-commerce website incorporating a wide array of unique features such as wholesale ordering and invoicing.

Client: Petmerize
Services: Website Developement & Design

01. The project

If you own a pet, then Petmerize is a website you should certainly check out. They are the leading pet retailer in Ireland and the exclusive distributor for Red Dingo GmbH. Petmerize contacted us with a need for a website where pet lovers could purchase a selected range of high-quality pet accessories with a separate area accommodating the wholesale customers. The final product is a website with a welcoming interface serving both the general public and wholesale customers alike. The website is user-friendly and offers an uplifting consumer experience.

02. What we did

Petmerize incorporates features such as wholesale ordering and invoicing, newsletter capability, an additional menu for mobile users and much more.

Responsive Design

Features responsive design to meet the modern user.

UI and UXI

User-friendly interface incorporating the latest developments and advanced tools.

SEO Friendly

Search Engine Optimised for better ranking on Google, Bing and other internet browsers.

03. Desktop Experience

With mobile browsing becoming more and more prevalent, the website needs to be responsive. Before we finish designing a page, we make sure it looks great both on mobile screens and desktop screens alike.

04. Mobile Experience

More than 60% of online shopping is happening on mobile devices. In designing the website for Petmerize, we wanted to make sure we would capture the shoppers’ attention and make it easy for the visitors to navigate the site on both the phone and tablet.

05. Additional Work

We’ve been privileged to work on Petmerize branding, designing the logo, flyers, brochures and business cards.

06. Info

Petmerize is an e-commerce website incorporating a wide array of unique features such as wholesale ordering and invoicing.

Client: Petmerize
Services: Website Developement & Design
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